City of Gilroy’s request to propose, develop, and operate a recreational tourism-based project on 536 acres owned by the City of Gilroy has brought a company called Select Contracts to the table, and before the year ends the Gilroy City Council will have a recommendation to approve an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Select Contract.
The project is located at the gateway of the scenic Hecker Pass Highway (State Route 152) on the City’s western boundary. The potential for a hillside adventure park and surf park is coming to the Bay Area. “The inclusion of a full-scale lift accessed downhill bike park within day-trip of the Bay area and weekend trip distance for much of the central California coastline is totally unique and compelling as its own offering,” said Select Contracts in their proposal to the City.
The public will be included in the entire process, so check out the City of Gilroy website regularly. The City of Gilroy is a Recreation Destination community by resolution. We are actively embracing, advancing ideas, and projects that promote the concept of free-range people in the City of Gilroy. We advocate for building and planning that considers future generations as well as current residents who don’t own cars.
Advancing mobility options reflects what we are teaching the youth in our community through Safe Routes to School and why we are nationally recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community from the League of American Bicyclists, as well as recognized by the World Health Organization as an Age-Friendly Community. See the proposal from Select Contracts here.
Suggested content of public comment letters/emails/in-person: Select Contracts proposal for an Adventure Park in Gilroy will be a positive project in the region for people that bike, hike, and enjoy the outdoors. It will provide a benefit to our local community and attract tourism to the city. “The inclusion of a full-scale lift accessed downhill bike park within day-trip of the Bay area and weekend trip distance for much of the central California coastline is totally unique and compelling as its own offering,” said Select Contracts in their proposal. The park would be an amazing resource for local high school mountain bike teams, mountain bike enthusiasts, new riders, hikers, and those who enjoy emerging trends in recreation. There is not another project like this in the region. Gilroy is a Bicycle Friendly Community, and the Adventure Park supports the 2018 Tourism in the Hecker Pass Corridor Resolution, and the 2020 Recreation Destination Community Resolution. We are actively embracing, advancing ideas, and projects that promote the concept of free-range people in the City of Gilroy.
Read more news and notes from ASJ here.
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