Bishop High Sierra Ultras

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Date(s) - 05/18/2024
12:00 am


May 18, 2024 // Bishop High Sierra Ultras

These are high altitude races, with lots of climbing, in the scenic foothills of the Eastern Sierra Nevada. The course is mainly run on 4 wheel drive dirt roads, with a couple of sections of single-track trail, and very short sections of pavement. There are very few trees, thus the race is exposed, often hot, usually dry, sometimes rocky, and mostly high! Much of the 100k and 50 mile courses are above 7000′ in altitude.

These races are the perfect training opportunity for upcoming mountain trail ultra distance events. The weather can range from cold to hot, dry to snowing, breezy to very windy. We have experienced all weather types, but usually we can expect some fine, sunny weather, with afternoon breezes and high temps for the second half of the day. Temperatures usually range from high 40’s at the start to 90’s in the late afternoon, and then cooling in the evening.

Our aid stations are at 3 – 7 mile intervals, and are famous for variety of food and drinks available, not just “standard race fare”, particularly as the race progresses. We aim to continue the fine tradition established by former race director Marie Boyd in this realm. Additionally, we will have medical kits at each station, with foot care and the usual supplies including anti chafe and sunscreen. Consistent with recent trends, pain relief meds will not be offered or dispensed. Aid stations have medical staff. Runners are tracked by our local Ham Radio club, with radio contact at the finish line.

At the finish line, we have a wonderful post-race meal with an assortment of hot snacks, cold drinks and and lots of “munchies” and real food as well.

Overall winners each receive a prize, and finishers receive a custom medallion made by Francis Cholewa and Tom Meyers, and we have 30 custom coffee mugs, also by Francis and Tom, for sale for $30.00 each, first come, first served, reservations accepted.

This incarnation of the Bishop Ultras is offered as a benefit to the Eastern Sierra Youth Outdoor Program, a free six day outdoor climbing and backpacking camp for Eastern Sierra youth, as well as Inyo County Search and Rescue. All net proceeds will be donated to these two organizations. The race is operated by the Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association, who provides all necessary permits including from the Inyo National Forest, the Bureau of Land Management, Inyo County, and Los Angeles Dept. of Water and Power..

Regarding the 100k distance and Western States: This race IS NOT currently a Western States qualifier as it has been in past years. However, we have been told by WSER that if we get 100 finishers in the 100k distance that it would again be a qualifier.

Note: the 50k didn’t get longer, we are just coming clean that it’s a tad long for 50k. Thus we now call it a ’53k’.

In 2024 we’ll be planning on using the “regular” course. In 2023 we had to pivot due to the copious 300% of normal snow year. At this website there will be some conflicting information about the 50m and 100k course maps until we have a chance to put the old maps back up. The aid station chart likely still reflects the 2023 snow course. We’ll update by 1/1/2024

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