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Date(s) - 06/05/2023


Grasshopper Adventure Series: Humboldt Hopper

Humboldt Hopper


The Humboldt Hopper is the Series Finale for G.A.S. 2023 and not to be missed. The timing format will be two epic segments. This means there will be plenty of time to shredย  and equal time to enjoy the spectacular course and hang with friends in between efforts.ย  Best ride ever? Just might be.

Humboldt Hopper

Feels like coming home. Though I only spent 4 years living in Humboldt Iโ€™ve been returning to ride for the last 30 years. Itโ€™s among the majestic Old Growth redwoods, the rolling ridges and remote coastline that I first learned the joy of turning myself inside out in search of adventure.

Humboldt Hopper

There are two sections of dirt and a little-known seasonal crossing of the Eel River. Atop Bear Ridge/Monument Road you will be treated to epic views of the mouth of the Eel River and the Pacific Ocean.

Humboldt HopperIf the Unknown Coast is still unknown to you, you are in for a treat. With two timed sections this will be a perfect finale to the Hopper Series 2023. It will be hard enough to be dubbed a โ€œProperHopperโ€ but weโ€™ll build in great feed zones and riders will have a chance to regroup, enjoy the beautiful scenery and cruise with their friends.

Humboldt Hopper

To top it all off, our staging and after party/podium will be next to the Eel River on Dyerville Bar where we can swim, enjoy lunch and a cold beverage, and swap stories from the dayโ€™s adventure.


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