Anneke Beerten
Everyone Can Join the Ride Against Racism
Yoga For Skiers

Everyone Can Join the Ride Against Racism

Ride Against Racism Ride Against Racism

New categories and team options make the second Ride Against Racism 50/50 Challenge perfect for families and people of all ages and abilities

The second installment of the Ride Against Racism (RAR) has been designed to make the goal of climbing 50,000 feet on a bike doable to those who might not have the physical fitness required or the time needed. This means individuals can include cycling, hiking, running, climbing, skiing or any other human powered activity to their climbing totals. For those who live in the mountains, having backcountry and downhill skiing as part of the challenge is a game changer.

In addition to creating multi-sport categories, there are also team categories for those who want to participate as a family or as a team. This challenge is easily doable with a larger team. We are especially inspired by some of the family team members that include kids as young as eight years old participating. They are our future.

By creating multi-sport and team opportunities, the second RAR is much more assessable to anyone who wants to participate. This is part of the Ride Against Racism’s mission — to make the outdoors inclusive.


We believe that recognizing and talking about racism openly and honestly is an important first step in dismantling racist policies. Participating in the RAR 50/50 is meant to inspire conversation between co-workers, friends and family members

So though the element of physical challenge is present and will vary from category to category — the most important part of RAR is to learn about and practice anti-racism along the way. Each day participants receive updates, information or an inspirational quote.

Yesterday’s email came on Martin Luther King day and reminded us that his house was bombed when he was 27 years old. A fact not everyone knows or remembers, including some of our leaders. Let’s keep these truths in mind as we move forward with a new administration and a very divided country. 

RAR#2 officially started on January 15, but registration is still open and we hope to have more individuals, families and teams join.

For folks who enjoy the satisfaction of completing the challenge solo, but dedicating 50 days to the challenge isn’t an option — we created a 10K in 5 days option that starts on March 1 and ends with the rest of the group on March 5.

With all of these new options and categories, there are still some participants who are coming back to complete the 50/50 challenge as it was originally dreamed up — 50,000 feet of elevation • in 50 days • by bike. These athletes are an inspiration for the rest of the group.

One final update/change to this challenge is regarding fundraising. Our last RAR raised $1,566 for the Washoe Tribe. Our original plan to hand deliver the check to them was cancelled due to COVID-19, but their checks were put in the mail a couple of weeks ago. And though some participants might choose to continue to fundraise for the Washoe, others have chosen to select organizations in their community to support or bring awareness to.

Just like our last event, fundraising is NOT required to participate in RAR (it is only $18 to register). People can simply participate in the name of an organization they wish to acknowledge as doing anti-racist work.

With all of these updates, there is room for everyone to participate in this virtual event. It is not too late.

Even if you don’t complete the challenge, much will be gained by putting yourself out there and receiving daily emails with updates and things to consider as we fight racism. This is important work and it can start in our communities — with our friends, our co-workers and our family members.  We hope you will join.

Learn more at and consider signing up today.

You can read about the first RAR and what some participants had to say here.

Feel free to email any questions to




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