Remembrance Run
After receiving funding through a Dreamstarter Award, champion high school runner Kutoven “Ku” Stevens, and his parents Misty and Delmar, will once again be hosting the Remembrance Run this year.
The purpose of the Remembrance Run is to “honor the children who survived Indian boarding schools and to remember those who never came home, by laying down prayers with our feet,” according to the official Facebook page for the event.
Last year the Remembrance Run followed the path of eight-year-old Frank Quinn, Stevens’ great-grandfather, as he escaped from Stewart Indian School in Carson City and ran home to the Yerington Paiute Reservation, over 50 miles away.
This year the Remembrance Run will travel in the reverse direction, from the Yerington Paiute Reservation to the Stewart Indian School in Carson City.
“We are proud of the awareness we created with last year’s run, and now we want to hear about the progress that has been made with the investigations. We are sending invitations to state and federal dignitaries to join us at the conclusion of the run to discuss ongoing investigations and matters of reconciliation.”
Run organizers are asking for participants to bring offerings with them to place at the children’s graves upon completion of the 50-mile, two day event. “This is not just about running, it’s about healing,” says Stevens.