Teens Veer Off Roadā€¦ Parents Applaud!ā€”NorCal high school mountain bike league surging in popularity

The revolution may not be televised ā€¦ yet ā€¦ but itā€™s already in its sixth season and itā€™s spreading. Go to any bike shop in the Bay Area that carries Fisher or Trek and youā€™ll see evidence of it on their counters and stuck to their bulletin boards: a neat stack of pamphlets that instruct any innocent passerby to ā€œJoin the High School Mountain Biking Revolution!ā€ The picture on the cover is a close up on three young riders garbed in rebel redā€”legs pumping, jaw muscles flexing. Itā€™s the NorCal High School Mountain Bike Racing League, and they may be coming to your town ā€¦ if theyā€™re not there all ready.

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