Tag: March/April 2009

Building Better Bike Balance:

Ryan Leech takes on an arcing skinny line filming for Kranked 5. Whether threading the needle between cars and a curb or lining up for a log ride on your favorite single-track, confident balance in tight situations is a crucial skill for cyclists who challenge the terrain. But learning to let your mind and body relax and roll evenly along a narrow route, elevated or on the ground, is often easier imagined than done. Youā€™re eyes may comprehend that your two-inch tires have plenty of room to negotiate a 10-inch wide path, but convincing your brain and body to confidently follow is another story.

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High Adventure with a Higher Purpose

Dr. Else Uglum, Pediatrician, on top of Sankha La(14,700 feet), highest point on our trek. Arriving in Kathmandu, amongst the hordes of tourists, climbers, and locals, you start to wonder how many of these people are going to be on the trail with you. If you are headed to the Khumbu or Annapurna regions you would probably see many of them again. But in Humla, the most remote and northerly region of Nepal, this is not the case. In fact, you may not see another tourist at all.

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Catch That Shot!

Skier Chris Davenport climbs and skis the Mountaineerā€™s Route on Mt. Whitney, spring 2008. Do you ever wish your camera had an auto setting labeled ā€˜Amazing Action Shotā€™? Youā€™re not alone. Despite how easy it is to flip your camera to the ā€˜sportsā€™ setting and hit the shutter button as your buddy blows past you skiing, biking, or paddling, itā€™s surprisingly hard to come away from the moment with a stellar image of the action. Whether the shot is wellā€“framed but blurry or focused but missing half a head, there are a lot of ways a one-chance shot can be flubbed.

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Cruisers, Clunkers and the Origins of the Off-Road Bike

Charlie Kelly hauling denim down Repackā€™s Camera Corner, late 1976, on his 50-pound modified Schwinn Excelsior. Notice the safety gear ā€“ knee pads, elbow pads, leather gloves and boots ā€“ sans helmet. A pickup truck parade that includes a pink 1953 Chevy leaves the last outpost of civilization ā€“ the leafy, hippie oasis that is Fairfax ā€“ heading up into the hills, with 50-pound bicycles and two chronometers ā€¦ To Repack. The Repack trail drops 1,300 feet in 2.1 miles down the east side of Pine Mountain. At the top is an open ridge with views of Mt. Tamalpais, Marin, the San Francisco Bay, and the blue sky beyond. Fred Wolf and Charlie Kelly started the race down Repack, on Oct. 21, 1976, to be precise.

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The link between sports and beer is well established. But in the adventure sports community, weā€™re not talking about sitting on oneā€™s kiester, sipping over-priced beer from a plastic cup while watching overpaid professionals have all the fun. For the most part, our beers are earned. For us, beer is the reward at the end of a long backcountry journey, a relaxing capper at the end of a high-intensity effort, the liquid gold at the end of a sweat fest. Not only does it help replace lost calories and soothe from the bloodstream out, it provides a prism of perspective to share and relive our adventures with friends.

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Have you picked up Issue #133 yet? Our cover photo of Sustainable Surf ambassador Ashley Lloyd conveys the feeling of summer better than any image weā€™ve seen in a long time. The photo was taken by Bryan ā€œ@WetFeetā€ Garrison and we invite you to soak in the wholesome summer vibes and take them wherever you go.

As you may know we took a brief pause in publishing because we were dealing with some health issues and burnout from the winter. We believe in keeping Adventure Sports Journal free for everyone, because the outdoors should be free for everyone. However, our costs are high, and we rely on our readers and advertisers to stay available in print.

Please consider subscribing to support us by clicking the link in our bio and follow the membership tabs.

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Join @ellasuring and @theory_in_motion as they discuss ultra running and Alyssaā€™s journey as both an athlete and a coach. The full interview is out now on our website. šŸƒšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

Check the link in bio to learn more šŸ”—

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Thereā€™s still time for spring skiing at @bvadventure

With over 65 kilometers of groomed paths and a cafe on the trails, itā€™s a great destination for the whole family.

#xcskiing #adventure #california

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