The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation’s (CFF) Xtreme Hike will take participants to the top of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park this September 27-29. The hike helps raise funds and awareness for cystic fibrosis.
Last year there were 15 hikers, and this year CCF is hoping to have 35 take the journey to the largest unbroken cliff in the world.
This year’s hike will be unique in that one of the participants, Stephen Zimmerman, has cycstic firbrosis. Zimmerman, age 25, is from Alameda, and has already climbed Mt. Shasta. He plans to climb Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood this year before hiking the 22 miles on September 27th.
Join him and others on this year’s journey. After finishing, your success will be toasted at the post hike BBQ along the Merced River and at the victory brunch on Sunday at the Ahwahnee Restaurant. The hike includes hotel accommodations and transportation to and from the trailhead, along with all-you-can-eat meals.
Call 415-989-6500 to RSVP or get more info.