Fish Rock

Fish Rock Fish Rock
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Date(s) - 03/30/2024


Fish Rock

A road bike race for people who aren’t afraid of a little hardcore gravel.

Photo of biker on Fish Rock
Fish Rock. Photo: Bike Monkey

Choose your weapon wisely. Fish Rock is named after the fabled road that makes this race unique. The event starts and finishes in Boonville, California, rolls straight up and over steep, paved terrain to the coast, bombs down Highway 1, and then turns inland for a giant gravel ascent back to Boonville.

Awards are given to the top 3 men and women in various age categories. There’s just one route, and people don’t tell very many jokes.

There is one route.

We recommend you ride a road bike with 28c tires or bigger. The course consists of mostly road with a 14 mile long, time-consuming gravel section called Fish Rock. Some people are more comfortable riding a fast gravel bike with treaded tires. It’s a question of what makes you feel more comfortable, and comes down to personal preference.

Map of Fishrock map

There’s only one route — It’s 72.4 miles and 9,670 feet of elevation gain. The record is somewhere just under four hours. The course features 4 official aid stations.

We begin in Boonville and head west over the very long, beautiful, low-traffic Mountain View Road. After reaching the Pacific Ocean for a brief period we turn inland to make our return and tackle the one that inspired it all: Fish Rock. Quickly turning to gravel and pitching upward, you’ll find yourself in a place unlike any other. For the next 25 miles, you’ll have yourself, your legs and your heartbeat to keep you company.


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