The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) is a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in L.A. County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike through advocacy, education, and outreach. Founded in 1998 by bicycle advocates Joe Linton and Ron Milam, LACBC brings together the diverse bicycling community in a united mission to improve the bicycling environment and quality of life for the entire region.
Despite Los Angeles’ reputation as a car-centric region, LACBC has emerged as one of the most innovative and wide-reaching bicycle advocacy nonprofits in the country. LACBC has played a major role in the growing cycling movement here in L.A. Our vision is to improve the built environment in Los Angeles, so that all cyclists—low-income, commuter, recreational, families, and women—can safely navigate L.A. County streets. Through the help of our strong volunteer network, LACBC accomplishes this vision in our campaigns to increase bicycle infrastructure throughout the 88 cities in the county.
The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition builds a better, more bike-able Los Angeles by bringing diverse communities together to improve the bicycling environment and quality of life for the whole county.
LACBC envisions a Los Angeles County that is a great place for everyday, year-round bicycling. People live in healthier, more vibrant communities, where the air is cleaner and streets are both quieter and safer for everyone. More women, families and children ride their bikes, and appreciate opportunities to enjoy their neighborhoods and their city. All people, of varying cultures and backgrounds, can ride their bikes everywhere, safely and conveniently.
Los Angeles County is one of the most ethnically diverse regions in the world, providing untold cultural richness and creative inspiration for the county’s 10 million residents. However, our region also suffers from vast economic and environmental inequality. Certain communities disproportionately suffer from worse health and economic outcomes, which is ultimately a drag on the whole region’s growth and prosperity.
Transportation plays a significant role in creating and maintaining inequality in our region. Our freeways and goods movement infrastructure place disproportionate air quality burdens on low-income communities of color while often failing to meet the mobility needs of those same communities, who are more likely to rely on walking, biking and transit as primary forms of transportation. The lack of investment in safe and accessible networks for walking and biking generally is particularly acute in low-income communities of color, which have the highest rates of traffic injuries and fatalities. LACBC recognizes our role in shaping regional policy to address these disparities and advocates for intentional policies to address inequity.
LACBC extends this commitment to equity to our own programs by intentionally prioritizing low-income communities of color for education, outreach and advocacy resources. We further seek to engage partners and residents from these communities in shaping our programs to meet their needs. LACBC’s staff and volunteer recruitment also reflects our commitment to diversity by providing career and leadership opportunities for people from underserved communities. LACBC chapters are encouraged to incorporate this commitment into their work. Staff will integrate equity themes into all LACBC trainings and is available to provide support to local chapters.
In compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all LACBC programs operate without regard to race, color, or national origin. For additional information on LACBC’s Title VI obligations or to to file a complaint against LACBC, please contact Executive Director Tamika Butler at tamika@la-bike.org.
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