Adventure Sports Journal Joins Facebook BoycottĀ 

On June 19 The North Face announced it would stop buying Facebook ads for the month of July and possibly longer, in solidarity with civil-rights groups like the NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, and Sleeping Giants. In a follow-up statement, The North Face also said they would be halting paid advertisements on Instagram ā€” which is owned by Facebook.

The North Face has become the first major outdoor brand to boycott Facebook on the heels of mounting pressure from civil-rights organizations over the platformā€™s content-moderation policies and handling of hate speech in the aftermath of George Floydā€™s death.

ā€œWe know that for too long harmful, racist rhetoric and misinformation has made the world unequal and unsafe, and we stand with the NAACP and the other organizations who are working to #StopHateforProfit,ā€ Steve Lesnard, The North Faceā€™s global VP of Marketing, said in a statement.’

As we went to press with the print summer edition, Patagonia had announced it will also stop buying ads on Facebook effective immediately.

Facebook and Instagram raked in over $70 billion in advertising revenue last year and they have the resources available to stop spreading hate and misinformation.

Adventure Sports JournalĀ has also joined the boycott.

A recent meeting (July 7,2020) with Zuckerberg and boycott leaders was disappointing.

ā€œ#StopHateForProfit didnā€™t hear anything today to convince us that Zuckerberg and his colleagues are taking action,ā€ Jessica Gonzalez, Co-CEO of Free Press, one of the organizations behind the campaign, said in a statement following the meeting.Ā “Instead of committing to a timeline to root out hate and disinformation on Facebook, the companyā€™s leaders delivered the same old talking points to try to placate us without meeting our demands.This isnā€™t over. We will continue to expand the boycott until Facebook takes our demands seriously.”

We hope our partners and readers will consider joining the boycott and support #StopHateForProfit.