Letters released before Sacramento protest urging Newsom to Stop SoCalGas and protect communities from gas infrastructure

Ventura residents are appealing to Governor Gavin Newsom and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan to stop SoCalGas from expanding a natural gas compressor thatā€™s footsteps away from an elementary school and Boys & Girls Club.

A coalition of community members, nonprofit organizations, and businesses ā€” known collectively as the Westside Clean Air Coalition ā€” are concerned about the environmental impacts of SoCalGasā€™ proposal to expand the Ventura Compressor Station, a natural gas compressor station at 1555 N. Olive St. in Ventura, CA. The site is directly across from the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Venturaā€™s Robert Addison Center and the E.P. Foster Elementary School, and less than a block away from the West Ventura neighborhood ā€” home to approximately 13,000 people.

The proposed gas expansion project raises significant environmental justice issues for the residents of Ventura. The smell of fumes is a regular occurrence in the West Ventura neighborhood. Compressors and pipelines are prone to ruptures, leaks and explosions. This site is a prime example of why oil and gas infrastructure should be included in Governor Newsomā€™s draft 3,200-foot setback rule which currently only applies to oil and gas drill sites.

Letters of Opposition to the Project

Ventura residents have sent more than 280 emails and held three rallies in opposition to the project. Yet the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District has thus far refused to review the environmental impacts on the surrounding community under the California Environmental Quality Act.

In a letter sent to the Governorā€™s office, the coalition urges Newsom to remind the Air District as well as the California Public Utilities Commission of their responsibility and authority to intervene, requiring an Environmental Impact Report before any further work can be performed on the compressor expansion.

In a similar letter, the coalition is asking EPA Administrator Regan to demand relevant permitting agencies conduct robust health and environmental assessments.

ā€œGovernor Newsom has taken promising steps to protect communities on the frontlines of fossil fuel drilling, but he must break his silence on the equally catastrophic impacts of fossil fuel infrastructure on nearby neighborhoods,ā€ said TomĆ”s Rebecchi, Food & Water Watch Senior Central Coast Organizer. ā€œWe appeal to him now to follow through on his commitment to protect communities facing environmental racism and injustice. The Public Utilities Commission allowed the unnecessary expansion of SoCalGasā€™ Aliso Canyon facility. We cannot allow the unnecessary expansion of its Ventura Compressor.ā€

ā€œScience draws a clear connection between the planetā€™s warming and fossil fuel industry activity,ā€ said Shannon Simpson, Climate First: Replacing Oil & Gas Executive Director. ā€œGovernor Newsom and the Environmental Protection Agency must consider the facts and demand that SoCalGasā€™ proposed expansion of their Ventura facility be properly reviewed to fully understand its effects on our environment and the densely populated Westside neighborhood. Earth and the frontline community cannot risk experiencing further harm from the greenhouse gas super emitter station.ā€

ā€œHaving this infrastructure here is an environmental injustice to the people who live nearby,ā€ said Ryan Gellert, CEO of Patagonia, the Ventura-based outdoor clothing company that is part of the Westside Clean Air Coalition. ā€œNot only is expanding a gas compressor across from an elementary school to pump more fuel through the region dangerous, itā€™s unnecessary and counter to Californiaā€™s efforts to find solutions to the environmental crisis.ā€

Stop SoCalGas

Read the letter to Gov Newsom here.

Read the letter to the EPA here.

Read more industry news published on ASJ here