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Date(s) - 09/13/2024 - 09/15/2024


Two-day adventure ride in Mendocino County

DAY 1:  75 MILES    6,500 FT   DAY 2: 79 MILES  7,990 FT

mendo hopper

A Hopper like no other. This is your chance to ride little known dirt roads in remote Mendocino County. Over 25 years of riding and exploring in Northern California has led to the crazy combination of pavé, dirt and gravel roads that make up this two-day cycling adventure.

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Sat. Day 1: Day 1 begins at 9:30 AM as we roll out of Ukiah and head to Eastside Rd and then through Redwood Valley before hitting our first climb of the day, Tomki Rd. At mile 13.7 the road turns to gravel and crosses Tomki Creek 8 times before hitting the pavement again at mile 17.5. From here you continue north and then west back to Willits on a mix of pavement and gravel. There will be a quick stop to grab a bottle or top off at mile 24 for those in need. Otherwise, the main feed zone is at mile 44. Mile 29 is the intersection of Downtown Willits and then we head west on Sherwood Rd. The second climb of the day is good to fair pavement and climbs from 1350 ft to 2820 ft. Our NorCal Bike Sport feed zone will be at mile 44. Sherwood Rd turns to dirt at mile 41.5 and rolls along the ridge and descends to our finish at mile 74.4. That’s over 20 miles of dirt!  From here riders will roll to Fort Bragg and McKerricher campground where cold beer from WoodFour Brewing Company,  a hot shower and tasty food  awaits you. Day 1 includes 35+ miles of dirt/gravel.

Sunday: Day 2  COURSE UPDATE! Day 2 is a neutral roll out at 9:30 along the Old Haul Rd. to Fort Bragg. From here riders will head South on Hwy 1 to Simpson Rd. At mile 8 we hit JSDF land and it’s dirt until mile 35! This includes the descent down Forest History single track and 10 miles along Big River. There will be a Clif nutrition and Osmo hydration stop at mile 34 provided by NorCal Bike Sport. From here we cross Big River and take a left on Comptche-Ukiah Rd. From mile 36-58 we have incredible pavement with rolling climbs until leaving Comptche. The pavement continues from mile 50-58 with a significant climb and at mile 58 we turn right onto dirt on Low Gap Rd. From mile 58 to mile 70 we have the last climb of the day ending with a 9 mile ripping descent down Low Gap Rd. to cold beer and lunch at Low Gap Park in Ukiah. Day 2 has 51 miles of dirt!!

Race or Ride?

By nature, Hoppers are demanding mixed-terrain adventure rides. These are not “gravel grinders”. There will be some gravel, and you will do some grinding. The course however is a mix between beautiful to horrible  pavement; hard-pack to super-chunky gravel; single track and ripping buffed logging roads,  rutted and dusted out dirt roads. You will have a ride/race number that you MUST place on your bars so we can keep track of you, and your time. How much you push yourself is up to you. The course will be very challenging, but “do-able”. Our goal at Hopper Adventures is to create epic loops that push you to your limits, without pushing you over the edge. We do expect this Hopper to attract the hard men/women of NorCal and beyond to challenge themselves and others and to stand atop the podium at the end of the second day. But, for most, it will be about personal challenge and adventure with friends. You decide. Either way, you’re in for a one of a kind two day Hopper Adventure.

All roads are Mendocino County roads and are open to the public This also means we can expect to see cars, motos, and other cyclists. On our last pre-ride, we had a large black bear cross in front of us! There will be no road closures or CHP escorts. Day 2 we will also be on Jackson State Demonstration Forest Land as well as the California State Parks, Big River area. All riders are expected to obey the rules of the road and ride responsibly. The course will be marked but all riders must download the route to help assist in orientation. Any route changes will be finalized at least one week prior to the event.


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