A mountain biking addictĀ appreciates a slow rideĀ onĀ an off day

By Sarah Hansing


Iā€™m not quite sure just what happened yesterday, but this I can tell you: I was riding like complete and utter poo. My legs wouldnā€™t turn the pedals over and I was maneuvering the bike like a semi-blind person with seriously impaired motor skills. Every root I intended to steer around, I hit. Those rocks with the clean line right through them? Yeah. I somehow totally ignored that, and found a terrible, terrible line and bounced off of pretty much all of them. I may as well have been playing Connect-The-Dots with all of the rocks.

But some days are like that. I hate those days, mind you, but theyā€™re going to happen.

So as I finished my less than graceful, unavoidably high cadence (in my granny gear the ENTIRE time) up Emma McCrary and UConn, I could only mutter ā€œWell … at least I didnā€™t stop, I guess.ā€ I thought maybe I hadnā€™t eaten enough pre-ride. I thought maybe I was bonking. I ate a few Clif Shot Bloks and hoped that would help.

And I kept going from there. The Shot Bloks didnā€™t help. I wasnā€™t bonking, I was just bad at riding. Up Pipeline: nearly ate it going over one of the pipes. Mushroom Hunters: almost crashed on nothing. 420: leaned my body and bike in the perfect harmony of unbalance. Tires sliding out. Handlebars hitting trees. Legs still unwilling to even TRY (at least thatā€™s what it felt like). Still upright, mind you, but always just barely. I decided that Mailboxes was a bad idea. That gnarly steep techy part ‘n all. That was a good decision.

I pedaled on for another eight miles or so, and just enjoyed the beautiful day. I saw some cool stuff that I wouldnā€™t have usually seen, because I would have been speeding past it. I was going slow enough that I didnā€™t even scare a huge doe, and her tiny fawns; they just stopped and stared at me. As I slowly cruised home, I just started smiling. It was so nice outside. For once I hadnā€™t gotten mad at myself for my lack of skill and speed on the ride. I hadnā€™t forced it. I hadnā€™t done something dumb and hurt myself in an attempt to prove to myself that I wasnā€™t a crappy rider. Because we all have rides like this; it doesnā€™t mean youā€™re bad at riding a bike. It just means you canā€™t go full throttle all the time. Itā€™s a reminder to slow down sometimes. Take it easy. Respect your limits.

(And pretend that you had intended to just spin the entire ride in the first place.)


ā€‹Fat Tire Tuesday columnist Sarah HansingĀ has been slinging wrenches as a pro bike mechanic for 15 years (with the exception of a one year stint working for Trek Bicycles in Wisconsin.)Ā Epicenter Cycling scooped her up as their lead mechanic and the shop’s crewĀ plans to ā€‹keep her forever. Sarah loves riding singletā€‹rack, wrenchingĀ on bikes, and hanging out with her jerk-face but adorable cat Harlan. (Who is a jerk.)