How Roy Tuscany and his non-profit High Fives Foundation are reshaping the lives of catastrophically injured athletes

By Leonie Sherman

In 2018, traveling nurse Rio Peterson decided he was done with spring skiing; too risky. But when he saw 12 inches of fresh powder the morning of April 16, he and his buddy Jack set out for a Tahoe resort. By the end of the day he was lying in the ICU with a broken neck.

Tuscany visits Rio Peterson at the Renown Healthā€™s ICU days: providing human care

Tuscany visits Rio Peterson at the Renown Healthā€™s ICU days after his ski accident; this was the first time they met. Photo: Courtesy of the Peterson family

Roy Tuscany suffered his own spinal injury in 2006 while skiing at Mammoth Mountain; two years later he founded High Fives Foundation, a non-profit that helps athletes navigate life-changing spinal injuries. Tuscany was at Petersonā€™s side before he fully regained consciousness. Their friendship exemplifies one of Tuscanyā€™s favorite sayings: Life will never be the same again, but it can be awesome.

Peterson was traversing a track heā€™d skied over 100 times when disaster struck. ā€œAs I changed aspect and slope, I went from bottomless powder to Sierra cement wind-scorched bumps. My knees were locked out and I hit it hard,ā€ Peterson recalls. ā€œThe impact ejected me from my bindings and sent me up in the air just enough to come directly down on my head.ā€

Tuscany, a 4-tracker

Tuscany, a 4-tracker, shreds a turn at his home mountain of Sugarbush in Vermont. Photo: Brooks Curran / High Fives Foundation

He recalls the following moments with crystal clarity. ā€œI didnā€™t hear a sound, there was no pain, just a moment of stillness and total awareness of where my body was in time and space,ā€ he explains. ā€œI fell backwards and ended up lying face down on my stomach.ā€ Jack skied past; to him it looked as if Peterson had taken an inconsequential spill.

ā€œI spit some snow out of my mouth, took a few breaths to collect myself and then I was going to get up and dust myself off,ā€ he continues. ā€œBut when I went to get up, I could not fucking move. I go to do it again, and dude, I canā€™t move. With my medical background I knew right away that Iā€™d broken my neck and was paralyzed.ā€

Jack hiked back to check on him; Peterson asked him to dig a hole under his face so he could breathe. A woman theyā€™d been skiing with went to notify ski patrol. And then Peterson noticed his breathing getting more labored. He realized that swelling from the initial traumatic impact was depriving his spinal cord of oxygen.

ā€œLying there, itā€™s just Jack and I, and I realized I might die right now,ā€ Peterson explains. ā€œJack and I didnā€™t know each other very well, there was no real closeness between us. Sometimes I was like ā€˜is this guy going to punch me in the face?ā€™ā€ But as Peterson lay in the snow struggling to breathe, all that fell away.

ā€œI was just like ā€˜all right what is important right now?ā€™ And I knew the only thing that matters is love. I whispered ā€˜Jack, Jack, come over here.ā€™ And he came over and was like ā€˜What?ā€™ And I said, ā€˜Jack, I love you.ā€™ I just wanted that to be the last thing I said; I had to tell someone I loved them.ā€

Alana Nichols rides the trails of Killington with Vermont Adaptive

Alana Nichols rides the trails of Killington with Vermont Adaptive. Photo: Brooks Curran / High Fives Foundation

Their relationship has changed dramatically, and full-blown whole-hearted love flows between them today. Everything in Petersonā€™s life has changed greatly. Heā€™s an accomplished adaptive athlete, studying to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and has reconnected with the first love of his life. He owes that progress to his own whole-hearted courage and determination plus the support of High Fives Foundation.

ā€œHigh Fives is striving to cast a net of safety around outdoor sport,ā€ explains Tuscany. ā€œIf someone gets hurt we want to help them be able to get outdoors again. If someone falls into a life-altering injury, we want them to know there are people out there who will give them a hand-up instead of a hand-out and slap them a high five throughout their recovery.ā€

ā€œThe massive thing Iā€™ve recognized through this work is that sports are a byproduct of community,ā€ Tuscany explains. ā€œWe know that if we can get people back to sport, we can use sport as a vehicle to get them back to community and social interaction. We use sport as a way to integrate people back into ā€¦ people.ā€

Trevor Kennison heading out to catch waves

High Fives athlete Trevor Kennison heading out to catch waves. Photo: Kate Abraham / High Fives Foundation

Tuscany was 24 and coaching for an elite ski academy when he skied 130 feet off a 100 foot jump. His thoracic 12 vertebra exploded, sending shrapnel into his spinal cord that paralyzed him from the navel down. Parents at the academy where heā€™d been coaching rallied and created a non-profit called Royā€™s Recovery Fund.

ā€œWhat those folks did, their physical and emotional support, allowed me to focus on recovery for two years,ā€ Tuscany explains. ā€œI sent care packages, but to truly thank those people who helped me relieve that emptiness inside of me, who helped me through that time when I had no idea what I should or shouldnā€™t be doing, to truly pay it forward, I realized I had to help others.ā€

Jason Abraham attacking the trails at Sky Tavern

Jason Abraham attacking the trails at Sky Tavern. Photo: Jordan Drew / High Fives Foundation

For 24 years, skiing had determined every decision he made. ā€œWhen thatā€™s taken away from you in an instant, you have two choices,ā€ explains Tuscany. ā€œYou can sit outside that door of what used to be your life and try to get in when thereā€™s no longer an entrance. Or you can walk through another door, close that door, and recognize you are on a completely new path. You have to decide if youā€™re going to be selfish or selfless. Those who decide to become selfless have the chance to become that classic Hollywood tragic hero and rise out of their own ashes.ā€

Athletes and staff members share a laugh: providing human care

Athletes and staff members share a laugh at the Return to Dirt camp. Photo: Chris B / Generikal

So in 2009, he started High Fives Foundation. Thirteen years later theyā€™ve helped 543 athletes from 43 different states and Canada, a quarter of them veterans; Tuscany knows them all personally. The Foundation has disbursed almost $7 million in adaptive equipment, medical and healing treatments, programming, vehicle and home modifications, insurance costs and media packages so people can share their stories with loved ones.

ā€œFor the first seven years, we averaged 100% growth every year, some years 250%,ā€ Tuscany explains. ā€œBut I lost who I was, I became Roy High Five. It was too much to take on this idea of helping everyone, so I ramped up drinking heavily. One night with a really big donor I drank an entire handle of tequila. I woke up the next day and realized I could put my energy into drinking and my own death, or I could put my energy into High Fives.ā€

Since TuscanyĀ  quit drinking on October 31, 2016, High Fives has doubled their financial impact, tripled the size of their facility and added locations across the country. ā€œI recognized that people loved me regardless of High Fives,ā€ Tuscany admits. ā€œAnd now people who love me can see that I love myself. My life has gotten even better. I met my dream girl [now wife, Alana Nichols], we have a kid, we travel. My mentality is that every negative moment has a positive outcome.ā€

ā€œIt took me 11 years to figure out the positive from my spinal cord injury,ā€ admits Tuscany. ā€œI was sitting in a room with 32 members of Rioā€™s family in Idaho. They were looking at me like I was a messiah. When I saw the look on Rioā€™s momā€™s face, I thought about my own mom.ā€

High Fives athlete and now staff member giving shakas at the first-ever hosted adaptive surf camp

Landon McGauley, a High Fives athlete and now staff member giving shakas at the first-ever hosted adaptive surf camp. Photo: High Fives Foundation

Tuscanyā€™s mother died of cancer in 2014 at 67 years old. She never got to meet her grandson. But after Tuscanyā€™s injury, she spent 43 days at his side. ā€œWhen I saw the look on Rioā€™s momā€™s face, I realized I got 43 days with my mom that I never would have gotten. I really got to know who she was. When she died, I spent the last month of her life with her. We didnā€™t have to have all those end-of-life conversations because we had already had them.ā€

ā€œThatā€™s the beauty of this whole thing,ā€ explains Tuscany. ā€œEvery negative outcome always has a positive. Itā€™s not going to happen in a day or two weeks. As I help people through their recovery I try to help them realize there will be a positive out of the negative. Life will never be the same again, but it can be awesome.ā€

Learn more and see how you can help support the important work of the High Fives Foundation by going to

Main image: Alana Nichols, Roy Tuscany in the center, and Lawrence Green stand above a run at Palisades Tahoe (Ming Poon)

Read other articles by Leonie Sherman here.