You already know our back-country editor Leonie Sherman is a passionate plant-based wilderness athlete, but did you also know she’s a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher who has taught yoga and meditation for 15 years? She loves introducing students to the joys of being present in their bodies and her teaching style skillfully combines her spiritual practice, athletic ability and infectious enthusiasm for life.
Thanks to all who have joined for yoga classes my first week back from the mountains. I’m happy to be home and loving connecting with you as we nurture our bodies. Please join me for an upcoming class!
As always, I’ll open each class ten minutes before we start so we can connect and socialize if that feels good to you. If we haven’t done yoga together before please show up a little early so you can tell me about what you’re looking for and any physical limitations you may have. Don’t be shy to show up a bit late, just please be sure to mute your mic when you enter.
All times are listed in Pacific Time, and I’ve included notes about which other time zones might enjoy the classes. The Zoom meeting ID for all classes is 502 438 8737 and the password is gratitude.
I’m delighted to offer classes for free, but if you want to donate any amount, you can do so via my PayPal account,
- Thursday June 18, 7-7:30 AM // Wake Up To Your Day All levels class that will bring us from our backs to our feet, stretching our limbs and awakening our spines to prepare us for the day. Especially appropriate for Alaska, US and European friends.
- Friday June 19, 8-9 AM // More Core All levels class that will stabilize our cores and shoulders. Bring a strap and a block, foam roller or thick book of you have one. Especially appropriate for Alaska, US based and European friends.
- Sunday June 21, 8:30-9:30 AM // Wake Up and Flow All levels class to get you ready for your Sunday. Especially appropriate for Alaskan, US based and European friends.
- Sunday June 21, 8-9 PM // Dynamic Flow Stretch strengthen and open. Especially appropriate for Australian friends.
- Monday June 22, 7-7:30 AM // Warm Up Your Spine Join for half an hour of gentle movement to prepare your body for the week ahead. Especially appropriate for Alaskan, US based and European friends.
- Monday June 22, 8-9 PM // Yoga for Hikers and Cyclists Stretch your legs and hip flexors, open your shoulders and chest with this dynamic sequence. Especially appropriate for Australian friends and friends based in Alaska or on the west coast of the US.
- Tuesday June 23, 8-9 AM // More Core This class will work our abdominals and stabilize our core with deep twists and a variety of fun strength-building exercises. A strap and block or foam roller may be helpful. Especially appropriate for Alaskan, US based and European friends.
- Wednesday June 24, 7-7:30 AM // Warm Up To Your Day Join for a half hour sequence that will prepare you for the day ahead. Especially appropriate for European and US based friends.
When you count your blessings they multiply