October 27, 2019 • Santa Cruz, CA

Join Team Rock Lobster and Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz for the return of Surf City Cyclocross. The Halloween-themed race will take place on Sunday, October 27 at a brand new venue on the westside of Santa Cruz at Antonelli Pond.
Is this Surf City or the Rock Lobster Cup? Who cares! At this event, you can count on everything you love about cyclocross racing in Santa Cruz County — a top-notch course, great prizes, food, beer, live music, a big-air flyover, and Paul Sadoff playing the national anthem. All proceeds will benefit local trail access and grassroots racing.
Mark your calendars for this not-to-be-missed event … and figure out a costume for the costume race!
Register on-line at bikereg.com/surfcitycx.
On-site registration opens at 7:30AM and closes 15 min before each race.
- No field limits or late fees.
- Cash and checks only accepted for on-site registration.
- Riders under the age of 18 must have an athlete release form signed by a parent or guardian.
Bike Type
Ride what you brought. Most of the Surf City CX courses favor a cross bike, but to minimize barriers of entry to the sport, mountain bikes are allowed, particularly in the beginner categories.
Category Info
Racers are self-categorized based on age and gender, and categories divide riders into fitness and ability levels.
Cat C
Typically beginners to the sport. You’re either completely new to the sport or have ridden a cross bike on training rides, but haven’t competed yet. USAC cat 4/5 equivalent.
Cat B
Intermediate to advanced racers in both skillset and fitness. Also considered the “Working Person’s” category because the reality of life gets in the away of being competitive at the A level. USAC cat 3 equivalent.
Cat A
The fittest, most experienced riders race this category.USAC cat 1/2 equivalent.
Aged 9 and under, kids usually race a subset of the main race loop, and may do multiple laps depending on course layout. Everything from push bikes to miniature cross bikes with 24″ sewups are seen in the kids race, and prizes of fun bags with Clif Kids bars and the occasional medal (no cash or start money, sorry) are awarded to all.
Race Up
Riders can race “up” in category, ie, Masters can race in groups younger than their own, and Juniors can ride with older age groups. Anyone can race in the equivalent Open A, B, and C groups.
A contentious issue; beginnners to the sport don’t know how they’ll stack up against the competition, but it’s expected that the series winners in the C and B categories upgrade next season. However, if you’re able to win your first race with enough of a gap to hang out on the sidelines and watch the battle for second (or similar feat), congratulations! It’s time to move up a notch.
Learn More
Visit cyclo-x.com for more information!