Healing vibes for our girl Sarah!

Katie Compton and Sarah Hansing with a rowdy bunch of dirt shredders.

Katie Compton and Sarah Hansing with a rowdy bunch of dirt shredders.

From a great ride withTrek pro cyclo-cross racer Katie Compton to cracking another helmet, Fat Tire Tuesday blogger Sarah Hansing is all about extremes. You see, this week’s Fat Tire Tuesday is postponed until later this week as our lovely lady with the quick wit is recovering from a tangle with her bike this past Sunday. Actually, in true Sarah Hansing kick ass fashion, she did indeed write her blog for today despite being barely able to think or move (can you imagine the type of patient Sarah is?? haha). However, technical difficulties stand in the way of us receiving it, so postponed it is after all. It’s cool … now she’ll have the chance to back and fix all the typos she noticed 😉

In the meantime, check out this great shot of Sarah and Katie, smiles for miles as they head out with the Epicenter Cycling crew and a bevy of local riders for a fun 25 mile ride on hero dirt courtesy Mother Nature’s sprinkle of moisture the night before. After the ride, hungry shredders enjoyed BBQ back at the store, reflecting on a good time had by all. BTW, it wasn’t ’til the next day that Sarah popped off her wheels, so she was able to thoroughly enjoy riding hard with stellar company.

Can we get a massive collective vibe for a quick recovery off to Sarah? One two three – bounce back Sarah!!!!


​Fat Tire Tuesday columnist Sarah Hansing has been slinging wrenches as a pro bike mechanic for 15 years (with the exception of a one year stint working for Trek Bicycles in Wisconsin.) Epicenter Cycling scooped her up as their lead mechanic and the shop’s crew plans to ​keep her forever. Sarah loves riding singlet​rack, wrenching on bikes, and hanging out with her jerk-face but adorable cat Harlan. (Who is a jerk.)