Limited spots still available for teens interested in adventure and the natural world
The Tahoe Rim Trail Association (TRTA) invites adventure-curious teens to an unforgettable backcountry experience with twelve new best friends this summer. Participants will spend four days exploring the forests and alpine lakes surrounding Tahoe and falling in love with the natural world. They’ll learn new backcountry skills like map and compass navigation, wilderness ethics, and backcountry living skills. Teens also learn and practice setting up tents, building awesome shelters and cooking over a tiny backpacking stove.
Youth Backcountry Camp trips take the time to discover and explore the flora, fauna and natural history that make Tahoe so unique. Teens get a chance to practice independence, problem-solving, and teamwork as they are involved in decision-making and risk management discussions and choices each day. Groups will sleep under the stars after full days of summiting peaks, swimming in lakes and playing games. Teens learn how to care for themselves and others in the backcountry while feeling more connected to the environment.
The TRTA invites both teens with no prior backpacking or camping experience as well as those with significant experience. While there will be physical and mental challenges along the way, this four-day journey is designed to teach teens all they need to know about backpacking and camping to feel confident in the woods. No electronics are allowed on these trips, to facilitate total immersion in the Youth Backcountry Camp experience. All gear, food, permits and transportation to and from the trailheads is provided. Participants need only bring their own clothes, shoes, and toiletries (full packing list provided).
Each day brings something new and no two experiences are the same. These trips help kids to make lifelong friends, gain confidence and skills, and discover their place in the natural world while exploring the world-famous Tahoe backcountry. Let your teen take on new adventures and come back more awesome versions of themselves. Register now, as space is extremely limited!
Scholarships are available. Contact for more information.
Learn more about the TRTA’s Youth Backcountry Camp experience here.

2017 Accomplishments
During the summer of 2017, 75 kids participated in the TRTA’s Youth Backcountry Camp program and hiked a total of over 1200 miles! They backpacked across and through numerous streams, stargazed under the Milky Way, hunkered down through hail storms, climbed the highest peak in Tahoe, and explored local Wilderness Areas. Kids learned map and compass navigation, backcountry cooking, leadership skills, natural history, empathy for each other and the environment, and resilience in the face of uncertain challenges.
Over $40,000 was raised in 2017 to bring the benefits of the TRTA Youth Programs to local and regional children. Through partnerships with SOS Outreach, Boys & Girls Club of Lake Tahoe, YMCA of San Francisco, Tahoe Family Solutions, and Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada, the TRTA was able to give dozens of kids who otherwise never would have gotten this experience, the adventure of a lifetime. If you would like to take part in changing the lives of youth, please consider donating to the TRTA Youth Programs here.