2011/2012 Season Pass Deals

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to buy your season pass for the upcoming snow season, as many resorts will be increasing their prices after October.

Start here, and then consult the website of your favorite resort to complete your due diligence and get the right pass for you. Keep in mind, all prices are subject to increase by opening day or sooner. Many resorts use a hotel-pricing model — i.e., if sales are slow, reduced rates will last longer.

A few deals deserve special mention this season. The Triple Threat College Pass allows students to skip the weekend madness and experience Kirkwood, Alpine Meadows and Homewood for only $199. That’s three resorts for $199. The Tahoe Value Pass at $379 gives generous access (standard blackouts) to Heavenly combined with six- days-a-week access to Northstar (Saturdays excepted). For So Cal shredders, $659 gets you unlimited access to both Bear Mountain and Snow Summit.


Finally, try to attend one of the Snowbomb events in early November, taking place on consecutive weekends in San Francisco and San Jose. For more info, check out www.sfskifest.com. Many good deals to be had — in some cases discounted season passes are available,— plus swag, beer and wine tasting make these events a fun way to save some money this season.

Alpine Meadows • $459/$599/$799

The $799 Pass is unlimited for Alpine and Homewood, with some blackout dates at Kirkwood. Lesser prices only get you Alpine Meadows with blackout dates, and Homewood, but no Kirkwood access. Many other excellent options exist including an exciting unlimited pass for college students at all three resorts for $329. Prices valid at least until Oct. 31. www.skialpine.com

Bear Mountain • $459

Pass is unlimited access. Pass includes full privileges at Snow Summit resort for an additional $200. Expires Dec. 4. www.bearmountain.com

Bear Valley • $469

No blackout dates. Upgrade to unrestricted cross- country ski access for an additional $90. Price good until opening day. www.bearvalley.com

Boreal • $279

Unrestricted. Includes night skiing. Price set to increase Oct. 31. www.borealski.com

China Peak • $339

Unrestricted pass. Price increases Nov. 1.

Diamond Peak • $454

Unrestricted pass. Price increases after Oct. 31.

Dodge Ridge • $349

Preseason sale ends on Oct. 31. www.dodgeridge.com

Heavenly • $649/$379

$649 gets you Heavenly and Northstar unrestricted with Vail’s EpicMix functionality. The Tahoe Local’’s Pass gets you Heavenly with standard blackout dates and Northstar minus Saturdays for $379. Many other options exist. Prices only guaranteed through Oct. 16, but last year held firm until late November. www. epicmix.com

Homewood • $399

Pass is unlimited at Homewood. Probably better to spend an additional $50 to get the Alpine Meadows Filtered Pass, which includes Homewood privileges and limited Alpine Meadows access. Homewood prices valid through Dec. 19. www.skihomewood.com

Kirkwood • $799/$649

Same deal as the Alpine Meadows Unfiltered pass except the inverse holds true— $799 purchase at Kirkwood gives you unlimited Kirkwood and Homewood, with some restrictions on your access to Alpine Meadows. Probably better to shell out the full $799, as $649 gets you unlimited access to Kirkwood, but no Homewood or Alpine privileges. Prices usually increase after opening day, but are ofÞcially subject to change without notice. www.kirkwood.com

Mammoth • $799

Pass is unlimited, but price increases to $999 after Nov. 12. www.mammothmountain.com

Mountain High Resort • $349

Unrestricted pass that includes night skiing. Price good until Oct. 31. www.mthigh.com

Mt. Rose • $377

Unlimited access. Price changes Oct. 31. www.mtrose.com

Mt. Waterman • $300

Unrestricted. www.mtwaterman.org

Northstar • $649/$379

See Heavenly for details. www.epicmix.com

Sierra-at-Tahoe • $369

Unrestricted. Price to increase in October. www.sierraattahoe.com

Snow Summit • $299

Probably better to buy a Big Bear pass and get the upgrade to both resorts. See Bear Mountain. www.snowsummit.com

Squaw Valley • $439-$739

Unrestricted. Many other options are available for restricted access. Opening day is Nov. 23. www.squaw.com

Sugar Bowl • $799

Price for unrestricted pass to increase after Oct. 31. www.sugarbowl.com

Tahoe Donner • $279

Unrestricted. www.tahoedonner.com


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