Fat Tire Tuesday: Try It, You’ll Like It

I’m a lucky girl. I live so close to my local trails, that I can ride from my house and be on the trail in about 10-15 minutes. Because of this, I rarely can find a motivating reason to explore outside of riding range. This weekend was an exception to that rule.
A whole new world. It's out there. Photo by Bruce Dorman.

A mountain biking addict shares her stoke over new possibilities

By Sarah Hansing

Photo of Santa Cruz mountains, home to a lot of of mountain biking trails.
A whole new world. It’s out there. Photo by Bruce Dorman.

I’m a lucky girl. I live so close to my local trails, that I can ride from my house and be on the trail in about 10-15 minutes. Because of this, I rarely can find a motivating reason to explore outside of riding range. This weekend was an exception to that rule.

A friend of mine wanted to go play on different trails, and with a little peer pressure, I decided to join him. So, off to Demo we went. I usually avoid it there a bit, because of the strange physics of the place: I’m not even sure how it’s possible to have to climb so much freaking uphill both going in AND out of the trail. It’s like the Mystery Spot of trails. Anyways.


I resigned myself to the climb, and when we dropped in, the whooping and hollering and giggling started. It was TOTALLY worth the climb!

Riding different trails, and outside of your comfort zone is actually a beautiful thing!

And Holy Sweet Mother Of Perfect Dirt and Berms.

You guys have GOT to go ride Demo Flow trail. Or just go ride a new trail somewhere, and find your own new flow; treat yourself to something different. Something new. Something unfamiliar.

It’s out there-
don’t be afraid to explore.



Adventure Sports Journal is a proud sponsor of the flow trail at Soquel Demonstration State Forest (SDSF, colloquially known as “Demo”). Read our overview: Digging the Flow by Matt De Young and work day recap: Volunteer Trail Work Day for Popular Bay Area Mountain Biking Flow Trail.


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