Take Care Tahoe

Take Care Tahoe Take Care Tahoe

Digital billboard  campaign “Take Care Tahoe” designed to protect Tahoe

Posted By ASJ Staff

Take Care Tahoe

A new digital billboard campaign has been unveiled on behalf of over 50 partners who have collaborated on the “Take Care Tahoe” effort. It is designed to encourage more responsible behavior while in Tahoe. Created with humorous messaging, the campaign was created to capture the attention of visitors when they are en route to Tahoe. This campaign was developed to encourage stewardship and responsible recreation during their stay.


Thanks to financial support from the Tahoe Fund on behalf of the Take Care Tahoe partners, digital billboards carrying the Take Care™ messaging are visible on I-80 Eastbound in Colfax, California. “With the ‘Take Care Tahoe” digital billboard campaign, our goal is to educate visitors before they arrive about how they can take care of the environment when they’re here,” said Amy Berry, Tahoe Fund CEO. “This includes things like cleaning up after their dogs, not leaving broken sleds behind, eliminating the use of plastic straws, and blazing a trail of kindness.

This campaign focuses on protecting beloved Tahoe from unused cigarette litter, dog doody, bears, boat litter, aquatic invasive species, fire, litter, Tahoe tap, general messages on protecting, runoff, and trails. Watch the Take Care Tahoe video here. 

Take Care Tahoe

With an emphasis on environmental stewardship and personal responsibility Take Care Tahoe reminds the public:

  • DRINK TAHOE TAP! Seriously, tap water here is some of the best on earth.
  • Be #1 at Picking Up #2. If it’s your dog, it’s your doody.
  • No one wants to see your dirty butt. Cigarettes leach toxic chemicals into the Lake.
  • Trash belongs in the can. What happens in Tahoe shouldn’t stay in Tahoe.
  • You going to eat that? Human food hurts wildlife, dispose properly.
  • Know before you go! Travel can be treacherous
  • Blaze a trail of kindness. Tahoe is for everyone, enjoy it together
  • Drink like a fish, skip the straw. Help reduce single-use plastic waste!

How can individuals help?

  • Make small changes in your everyday life. Explore action pages for ideas.
  • Spread the word! Like and Share our social media: Facebook , Instagram
  • Donate.
  • Volunteer.

How can businesses and orgs help?

  • Request the Take Care™ toolkit and display the materials anywhere that might have an impact.
  • Become a sponsor.
  • Purchase educational signs for your property. Complete this Form 




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