Give Peace of Mind with ZipStitch — Special Holiday Savings: Get Up to 55% Off

This award-winning product enables anyone to treat minor cuts with ER quality technology and avoid expensive and inconvenient trips to get stitches

Give the adventurer in your life a little peace of mind with ZipStitch®

This award-winning product enables anyone to treat minor cuts with ER quality technology and avoid expensive and inconvenient trips to get stitches. Make sure they’re prepared with a great addition to their first-aid kit!

Special Holiday Savings — Get up to 55% off at!


ZipStitch is small and easy to transport wherever you go. It’s the perfect addition to your first aid kit for car, travel, camping, kids’ sports, hiking or your home.



ZipLine Medical is a Silicon Valley-based company founded by a physician to address the clinical need for rapid, non-invasive and easy-to-use skin closure. The company has partnered with hospitals in 30 countries over the past five years to treat over a half a million patients.


Zip Technology has been proven as a more effective technology than stitches or staples for some of the most challenging wound closure cases in surgery.

  • Faster than stitches1,2
  • 8 times stronger wound protection to promote healing3
  • Less scarring than stitches4,5
  • 95% of patients prefer Zip technology over stitches and staples6
  • Less patient pain than stitches4


ZipStitch is made with hypoallergenic materials. It is FDA cleared and its technology has been clinically proven in over a dozen clinical studies to be safe.

  • No wound-related hospital readmissions7
  • Fewer wound complications8
  • No punctures that may allow bacteria into wound site
  • Bio-compatiblity tested9
  • No latex

Learn more and order at

Special Holiday Savings — Get up to 55% off at!

ASJ has partnered with ZipStitch for our 2019 Best Gifts Giveaway. Enter to win ZipStitch or other great prizes from our partners. Learn more and enter at

ZipStitch References:

  1. Lalani, G. G., Schricker, A. A., Salcedo, J., Hebsur, S., HSU, J., Feld, G. and Birgerdotter-Green, U. (2016), Cardiac Device Implant Skin Closure with a Novel Adjustable, Coaptive Tape-Based Device. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology. . doi:10.1111/pace.12926
  2. Goldman DS, Hammill E, Aasbo J, Storne E, Reddy S. Improvement in S-ICD Incision Closure Time and High Implanter Satisfaction Using a Novel Skin Closure Device Scientific presentation given at Asia-Pacific Heart Rhythm Society 2017 Meeting; Sep 16, 2017; Yokohama, Japan.
  3. In an in-vivo study, more load in lb. was required to create a 1mm gap between incision edges approximated with Zip than with Ethicon 4-0 Vicryl® subcuticular running suture. Data on file.
  4. Tanaka, Y. et al. Randomized Study of a New Noninvasive Skin Closure Device for Use After Congenital Heart Operations. Ann Thorac Surg 2016.
  5. Disclaimer: Cosmetic outcome is a result of many variables and results may vary
  6. Data on file
  7. Carli AV, Spiro S, Barlow BT, Haas SB. Using a non-invasive secure skin closure following total knee arthroplasty leads to fewer wound complications and no patient home care visits compared to surgical staples. Knee. 2017 Oct;24(5):1221-1226.
  8. Emerson, Dr. Roger, Non-invasive, zip type skin closure device vs. conventional staples in total knee arthroplasty: Which method holds greater potential for bundled payments?, Presentation, The Knee Society, 2017.
  9. Data on file



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