All Mountain Gravity Clinic

MTBing Shasta Ski Park MTBing Shasta Ski Park
Mt. Shasta Bike Park features adventurous wooden features to build your confidence on. Photo courtesy Mt. Shasta Bike Park / Pinkbike.

Lift Access — Mount Shasta

Mount Shasta Ski Park

8:45am-4pm (until last chair)

In this 2-day Gravity Specific Riding clinic at Mount Shasta you will hone your downhill skills whether you are a racer or a recreational rider. You will: gain more confidence  and build more skills rolling through rock gardensand mastering high speed cornering on banked or bermed trails. Finding your body position for drops and improve your timing for jumps. In addition to the technical skills we will also spend time discussing scouting the line, vision and ways to stay committed to the bike and trail in challenging terrain.

If you are eager to build up your skill set on the mountain or want to better prepare for an upcoming Enduro or DH race, this is the clinic for you! Great prep clinic for one of the upcoming Enduro race series-CES or Fulltilt Enduro

Day 1:

Skills and drills in the morning followed by trail time and skill application in the afternoon on the mountain.


Day 2:

Advancing skills that we worked on on day 1 and learning new skills more specific to descending

* For the more intermediate or experienced rider.

INCLUDED IN THE CLINIC ARE FREE: Shirt/Hat, Kates Real Food Bars, All Good Suscreen and some Zoic shwag to give out!

Sign-up HERE!

Learn more about A Single Track Mind‘s partnership with Mt. Shasta Ski Park here.

MTB skills clinic at Mount Shasta Ski Park
A Singletrack Mind skill drills optimize your mountain biking experience on any mountain. Photo courtesy A Singletrack Mind.
MTB Lift Access at Mount Shasta
Mt. Shasta Bike Park offers lift access trails. Photo courtesy Mt. Shasta Bike Park / Pinkbike.


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