Jacques Houot — The 82-year-old French adventurer
Posted by Taylor Luckenbach
[arve url=”https://youtu.be/umevSC4kpQc” title=”BeAlive – Trailer” description=”Film trailer about an 82-year-old adventurer who has survived just about everything. Meet Jacques Houot.” duration=”0HJ0M55S” autoplay=”yes” /]The 82-year-old French adventurer has survived it all. This is a film following his inspirational story
Be Alive presents the story of an 82-year old French snow/ski racer and mountain biker, Jacques Houot. He is a local legend as an age-defying athlete inspiring every person he meets. Among other disasters, Houot has survived close calls with death, including avalanches, cancer, car accidents, a heart attack, drowning and even attempted murder. Houot’s positive outlook on life is an inspiration to all! Produced, directed and edited by Michelle Smith Graphics/Animation by Lindsay Jones Special.
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[arve url=”https://youtu.be/Dhfipv8LXRg” autoplay=”no” /]